The story of this handsome spirit begins with a brief history lesson: In the years of the 18th century when the men of the British Royal Navy spent their time roaming the seas in search of new colonies, combing their bristly moustaches, and succumbing to bouts of scurvy and malaria, the navy strength gin was born. While sailing the high seas amidst storms and nefarious naval activities, the Royal Navy officers indulged in this high proof alcohol to ward off disease and all manners of social restraint. They stored it below deck near the gunpowder in the hopes that, if the 114-proof gin did spill on the explosives, the resulting paste would still ignite. Norseman Strength Gin, resting at a haughty 116 proof, may be too bold for those dainty naval officers but here in Minnesota, where the waters turn to ice, it’s a miracle elixir. Distilled with limes and juniper, Norseman Strength Gin is incredibly smooth and clean, holding its ground in any cocktail, every holiday concoction, and in all instances of scurvy.
15ml Rich Simple Syrup*
25ml Fresh Lime Juice
60ml Norseman-Strength Gin
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Float one large ice cube on top.
*Rich Simple Syrup: simmer two parts sugar to one part water until clear. Be careful not to simmer too long or it will crystallize
5ml Fresh Lime Juice
55ml Norseman-Strength Gin
Spruce Ginger Beer
Build on ice in a tall cocktail glass. top with Spruce Ginger Beer and garnish with a fresh mint sprig.